Saturday, April 3, 2021

Resipi Sambal Bilis Garing

Resipi Sambal Bilis Garing


  • ikan bilis halus
  • tempe atau kacang
  • lada/cili kering (jumlah ikut kepedasan & cita rasa masing masing)
  • 1 kiub pati ikan bilis / secukup rasa
  • gula secukup rasa

Cara Memasak

  1.  goreng semua bahan diatas (kecuali pati ikan bilis & gula) satu persatu sehingga garing.
  2. angkat dan tos minyak menggunakan tisu dapur
  3. kisar cili kering yang digoreng tadi. pastikan cili digoreng garing jika tidak ia sukar dikisar menjadi empung kerana teksturnya yang liat. bijinya boleh dibuang atau dikisar bersama
  4. panaskan kuali dengan sedikit minyak lebihan gorengan tadi. masukkan kiub pati ikan bilis atau secukup rasa. goreng guna api sederhana
  5. kacau sambil hancurkan kiub tadi. biar ia berbuih manja
  6. masukkan cili flakes (cili kering kisar)
  7. tambajkan semua bahan wajib yang lain. masukkan juga 1 sudu gula. gaul rata hingga sebati. angkat.
  8. setelah sambal sejuk, simpan dalam balang kedap udara. 


Cik Purple

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

[Hindi] Hello Brother (1999)

Hello Brother

 Hero (Salman Khan) works for a courier company owned by Khanna (Shakti Kapoor). He is spirited and humorous and is in love with Rani (Rani Mukerji), but she simply thinks of Hero as a very good friend. Enter Inspector Vishal (Arbaaz Khan), who works in the narcotics department. Vishal, who is stationed at a different Police Department, transfers to Mumbai/Goa. Here he meets Sr Inspector A.K.Khan (Neeraj Vora), who is an Explosive Bomb, delivering unrelentless farts. During his introduction, Vishal almost passes out until Hawaldar Hatela (Johnny Lever) comes to his rescue. 

Vishal suspects Khanna to be involved in a drug ring and confronts him. Hero stands up to Vishal and defends his boss, but soon learns the truth behind Khanna. In a confrontation, Khanna kills Hero and shoots Vishal in the heart. The police department decides to transplant Hero's heart into Vishal's body. Hero appears as a ghost now and can only be seen by Vishal, since his heart is in Vishal's body. Hero says that he will only rest in peace after Khanna is killed, thus avenging him. 


Vishal decides to go about doing this, and Rani and Vishal begin to fall in love with each other. Hero dislikes this and tries to foil Vishal's plans of getting close to Rani. But Hero and Vishal start getting closer and work together, becoming good friends after Vishal confronts Khanna's drug company. Khanna arranges to leave the country but kidnaps Rani. Vishal and Hero go to save Rani and fight off Khanna's henchmen, but Vishal gets injured. Hero then goes inside him and controls his fighting moves, helping him to beat the thugs. Rani witnesses this and realizes that only Hero would do those kinds of moves. She calls out Hero's name, though Vishal does not know that Hero is inside him. 

Rani then calls out to warn Vishal that a plane is moving towards him. Vishal and Hero stop the plane, which Khanna is in, and then confront him. As they are talking, Vishal becomes distracted, speaking to Hero, and Khanna takes the opportunity to shoot Vishal. Hero takes Vishal's hand and shoots Khanna with the gun. Khanna finally dies, and as Rani is comforting Vishal, he tells her that Hero is with them and he loves Rani. Rani then tells Vishal to tell Hero that she loves Him. 

Khanna's ghost rises from his dead body and Hero hits him. Khanna is taken to Hell and Hero is taken to Heaven. Afterward, Rani and Vishal have gotten married and are spending their wedding night and honeymoon in a house on the water. It is shown that Hero, now an angel, is happily watching over them from Heaven.



Cik Purple

[Kdrama] Panda & Hedgehog (2012)

Panda & Hedgehog

The story revolves around Go Seung-ji (Lee Dong-Hae), a talented patissier who exudes a cold and tough exterior (like a hedgehog) which conceals his kind and understanding heart, and Pan Da-yang (Yoon Seung-ah), an optimistic and easygoing cafe owner with a laid-back personality (like a panda).



Cik Purple

Monday, March 29, 2021

[Scent] Playboy - King of The Game

( Playboy - Kind Of The Game )

  • King of the Game by Playboy is a Aromatic Spicy fragrance for men. 
  • King of the Game was launched in 2016. 
  • Top notes are Cardamom, Black Pepper and Lemon; 
  • middle notes are Coffee and Granny Smith apple; 
  • base notes are Vanilla, Cedar and Patchouli.



Cik Purple

[Novel] Untukmu Cinta

Untukmu Cinta - Evelyn Rose

Cinta. Pada Orkid, cinta itu perasaan yang suci.Menginginkan yang terbaik pada si dia yang dicintai walaupun hatinya sendiri terluka. 

Dalam diam dia menyukai sahabatnya Adam yang jelas menyukai sahabat mereka, Dr Eve. Kata Orkid, biarlah kalau satu masa apabila Adam dan Eve bersatu hatinya akan terluka, dia rela dan dia masih mahu berharap. Menumpang kasih seorang Adam selagi Adam tak dimiliki walaupun dia sedar, dia seperti pipit yang menginginkan enggang. 

 ' Kalaupun hati ini akan terluka, aku rela. ' - Orkid 

Dalam segitiga cinta antara Orkid, Adam dan Eve, Orkid bertemu Datuk Ir Arman dalam demonstrasi yang dikendalikannya untuk menentang empangan hidro yang bakal dibina oleh syarikat milik Arman. Pertemuan pertama membuatkan Arman tertanya, adakah Orkid bunian di tengah taman. Berbual dengan pokok dan bermain dengan rama – rama ? 

Pertemuan kali kedua, buatkan hatinya berdegup kencang tatkala anak mata mereka bertaut lama dan pertemuan kali ke tiga terus membawa dia bertemu ahli keluarga Orkid. Namun Arman menyimpan kisah lampau yang ingin dia lupakan. Yang buatkan dia menjauh dari wanita dan pesimis dengan cinta. 

Saat itu juga Ramadhan muncul. Teman lama dan jejaka yang ingin dijodohkan dengan Orkid oleh keluarganya di kampung. Pada Ramadhan Orkid adalah wanita pilihan ibunya. Dalam hati, dia simpan satu rahsia yang keluarganya sendiri pun tidak pernah tahu. Tawanya hanya topeng untuk menyimpan gundah di hati. Semuanya untuk seorang ibu yang cukup dia hormati. 

 Walaupun Orkid seringkali menolak cinta Arman dan Ramadhan, mereka seringkali bertemu tanpa dirancang. Kata ibu Orkid, ' Kalau tak dirancang, mungkin suratan ? ' Saat hati Orkid benar - benar terluka, mampukah dia mempertahankan cintanya ? Saat hati terluka Saat jiwa diuji Siapakah yang kekal menyintai ?



Cik Purple

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Resipi Pancake


  • 2 cawan tepung gamdum
  • 2 cawan ssu segar
  • 2 sudu besar baking powder
  • 1 sudu kecil garam
  • 1 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 1 biji telur
  • 2 sedu besar gula
  • 3 sudu butter (dicairkan)

Cara memasak 

  1. campurkan semua bahan kedalam satu bekas dan kacau sebati. boleh menggunakan sudu/tangan atau pengisar
  2. selepas adunan sebati, panaskan kuali dengan api perlahan. sendukkan adunan tadi dan tuang di tengah kuali perlahan lahan
  3. tunggu sehingga pancake nampak berlubang keseluruhannya dan balikkan adunan sehingga kekuningan
  4. siap dan sedia dihidang. boleh digandingkan dengan maple syrup, butter, madu dan aiskrim 


Cik Purple

Resipi Aiskrim Gebu

Resipi Aiskrim Gebu

Bahan Bahan 

 1 tin susu cair

2 sudu makan susu pekat

1 sudu makan ovelette

1 sudu teh esen vanila

Cara buat : 

  1. campurkan semua bahan dan pukul sehingga gebu
  2. bahagi kepada beberapa bahagian dan warnakan mengikut kreativti 
  3. simpan dalam peti sejuk beku semalam sebelum makan 


Cik Purple

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Beruk Punya Teddy

Hey Whatsupp Guys

aku tengah marah ni gaiss.. 

mana taknye.. hari tu ajak si mr ted tu pergi Saloma Bridge.. kan bende tu macam viral.. cantik kalau amik gambar. 

tapi Mr ted mengelat sebab weekend.. ramai orang katanya. dia suruh pergi weekdays.. kurang orang so boleh la nak amik gambar ke pebende sumee. 

so gais.. kebetulan si Mr ted ni ada date dgn brotherhood dia si dino tu.. dia bagitau nak pergi Saloma bridge.. opkosss i nak ikutt.. kang kalau x pi.. xtau bila lagi dapat pi sana. dah la x tau jalan... sorang sorang.. 

so.. kita msej dari siang tu.. eh eh eh dia ignore je. tetiba pkol 7 tu dia mesej bg location dah sampai area imbi.. ape lagi.. panas la aku.. mengamokkkkkk tu harus nya. 

ape2 bagitau la.. x nak i ada sekalipon bagitau.. xdapat nak amik pon bagitau.. i can arrange my route.. benda boleh bincang.. ni.. dia dah sampai sana baru nak bincang tu mende siakk. 


dengan bizi nak berbuka lagi.. tetiba naik hanginnn.. 

oh yaaa.. i puasa hari ni. 

orang lapar dia buat hal.. memang aku mengaumm ahh.. 


Cik Purple

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

[Hindi] Mann (1999)


Dev Karan Singh (Aamir Khan), a Casanova and ambitious painter deep in debt, agrees to marry Anita (Deepti Bhatnagar), the daughter of Singhania (Dalip Tahil), a rich tycoon. Priya (Manisha Koirala), a music teacher for children, is engaged to Raj (Anil Kapoor), whom she has agreed to marry because he had helped her when she was in need. 

Priya and Dev meet on a cruise. Dev becomes fond of Priya. Dev is a fun-loving, flamboyant cassanova. He tries to get close to Priya. Initially, she doesn't get impressed by Dev, but later falls in love with him. However, due to them already being engaged to other people, they agree to work everything out and meet in 6 months on Valentine's Day to get married. 

 During the 6 months, Dev breaks off his engagement with Anita and starts working hard. Driven by his love, he creates and auctions beautiful paintings, and becomes very successful along with the support of his friend Natu (Neeraj Vora). On the other hand, Priya realises that leaving Raj will be wrong and sadly writes a letter to Dev, explaining everything. When Raj gets the letter instead, he supports Priya and convinces her to go to Dev. Things take a bad turn when, on her way to meet him, Priya gets hit by a car and gets her legs amputated. Dev, who waited all night for Priya, believes she has rejected him, as he does not know of her accident. Priya forbids Raj from telling Dev the truth, not wanting to become a burden on him. 

Now, Priya spends her time running a musical academy for small kids. Though heartbroken, Dev continues his career and goes on to become a famous painter. One day, Priya attends his art exhibition and wishes to buy a painting of his, a sentimental picture of her speaking to his beloved grandmother, whom Dev had introduced to her during the cruise. Dev had said that he would not sell the painting as it was only for Priya, but upon hearing that the girl who wanted it understands the emotion behind the picture and is disabled, he tells the host of the exhibition to give the painting to her for free.


 One day, he meets Priya again with Raj at a theatre gathering but again Priya forbids Raj of telling the truth. He visits Priya to give her an anklet that his grandmother, who recently died, had wished for Priya to have when she became Dev's bride. Initially unaware of Priya's condition, Dev realises the truth when he remembers giving the painting to a handicapped girl and finds the same painting in another room. The two embrace tearfully and he assures Priya that he will love her no matter what. Dev and Priya then married by Raj, where Dev carries Priya for the wedding rounds in the presence of Nattu and the children of the Musical academy.


[Kdrama] You're Beautiful (2009)

You're Beautiful

Ko Mi-nyeo (Park Shin-hye) has lived at an orphanage with her twin brother, Ko Mi-nam, since childhood after their father died. Years later, Mi-nam becomes a music idol and Mi-nyeo lives in a junior nun dorm to fulfill her dream of becoming a nun. One day, Mi-nam successfully auditions for and wins the "A.N Entertainment" vocal auditions to join the musical band A.N.Jell. However, he must leave for the United States in order to correct his botched plastic surgery. 

Mi-nam's manager, Ma Hoon-yi (Kim In-kwon) approaches Mi-nyeo and requests her to pose as Mi-nam for a month till he recovers. Mi-nyeo is against it at first, but eventually agrees, as a path to fame would give the twins an opportunity to find their mother. Thus, Mi-nyeo poses as her brother and joins the band A.N.Jell, where she meets its members: the arrogant Hwang Tae-kyung (Jang Keun-suk), the gentle Kang Shin-woo (Jung Yong-hwa) and the bubbly Jeremy (Lee Hong-gi). 

 At first, Tae-kyung is against Mi-nam's addition and makes her life hard, while Shin-woo and Jeremy are friendly to her. Eventually, Tae-kyung discovers that Mi-nam is a girl and threatens to reveal it, but Mi-nam manages to win him over. Through their interactions, Tae-kyung began to develop feelings for Mi-nam. Shin-woo and Jeremy also developed feelings for her, even though the latter thinks that Mi-nam is a boy. As Mi-nyeo struggles to hide her secret from the media while performing with A.N.JELL, she discovers her mother's past, which is somehow connected with Tae-kyung



Cik Purple

Monday, March 22, 2021

[Scent] Swiss Arabian - Oud Maknoon

( Swiss Arabian - Oud Maknoon )

  •  Oud Maknoon by Swiss Arabian is a Woody fragrance for women and men.
  •  Top note is Pepper; 
  • middle note is Rose; 
  • base notes are Agarwood (Oud), Amber and Musk.

"Oud Maknoon surprises you when you least expect it! Waves of extreme freshness meet Peppery notes and fuse with mouthwatering Rosy and Spicy elements. The special mix in the base, with Agarwood, Amber and Musk, will leave you dazzled for a very long time. 

 Oud Maknoon is unique in its ability to transform any (and we mean any) fragrance, even a mundane aftershave or equivalent, into a uniquely exotic and woody one! While it is a stand alone marvel, in one's own right, it is perfect for layering if you have never done so before; Simply apply it first, then put on any other fragrance." - a note from the brand.



Cik Purple

[Novel] Calon Menantu Daddy

Calon Menantu Daddy - Una Unee

Kerana tekad untuk anak kesayangannya berubah, Tan Sri Megat Khalid telah mengambil tindakan mencari sendiri calon menantu untuk anaknya, Eleya. Satu banner besar digantung di hadapan bangunan pejabatnya.

 "Daddy! Kenapa nak malukan El macam ni? Apa maksud banner dekat luar tu? El malu tahu tak? Nampak macam El ni desperate sangat nak kahwin!" - Eleya 

 "Salah ke apa yang daddy buat tu? Kan El yang suruh daddy cari calon suami untuk El? Cara ni aje yang paling pantas, sayang." - Tan Sri Megat Khalid 

 Berita Tan Sri Megat Khalid yang ingin mencari calon menantu telah sampai ke pengetahuan Syed Thaqif. Dia yang sudah lama memendam rasa kepada Eleya terus mengambil peluang itu untuk menjadi calon menantu Tan Sri Megat Khalid. 

 "Actually, I pun tertanya-tanya macam mana daddy boleh pilih you? Padahal you ni langsung tak ada kriteria yang I nak. Tak kaya pula tu. Low standard!" - Eleya



Cik Purple