Sunday, February 28, 2021

Bowling Session, Time Square

last minutes plan..

Bowling session di Times Square..

planned-unplanned session.. sebab dia plan macam main main..

tetiba ada player... so.. onsz je.. 

kali nie Cik Purple tak main..

Mr Ted je main dengan kawan kawan lain..

Cik Purple pergi shopping kat Times Square tu.

tapi.. penat jalan je.. satu habuk barang pon x beli..

walaupon.. ade yang terbekenan kat hati..

tapi.. x amik pon..

parahhh aku ni.. uhuhuhu 


Cik Purple

Saturday, February 27, 2021


holllaaa... amigosss

ceewaaaahh feeling feeling sepanyoll.. hehehe. 

hari nie Cik Purple kena tolong hantarkan Ms Angel ke Shah Alam..

sebab, dia ada test QTI (test kereta dengan pegawai pemandu sebelum ke test JPJ) 

kena ada kat Shah Alam sebelum pkol 8.30 pagi..

so.. korang kira lah pukul berapa nak kena keluar rumah.. 

hasil memujuk yang padu... Cik Purple berjaya pujuk Mr Ted untuk ikut hantarkan Ms Angel.

hahahhaa.. gedikkk kan.. 

nak hantar orang ponnn nak berteman bagai kan.. 

padahal sendiri malas nk drive.. mamai lagi masa tuuu...

lepas hantar Ms Angel ke Shah Alam.. 

ade jugak tanya Mr Ted nak pergi ke mana..

ye laa... kot2 dia nak balik ke ape ke..

pkol 8 pagi.. ape je yang dah bukak untuk kitorang main pusing pusing..

last last.. Mr Ted sound je "Diam je... ikut je la mana kete ni nak pergi... kita jalan je " 

okeyyyyyyy.. diam je.. 

dalam diam diam.. kereta tu terus bergerak... 

masuk area subang... tetiba masuk federal highway..

tetiba terlajak sampai ke KL.. 

pusing pusing... tetiba sampai kat taman botani KL..

pastu borak borak sampai ke Jalan DUta..

masa kat area DUTA tu.. Cik Purple ternampak signboard DAMANSARA.

cik purple ajak la Mr Ted pergi ke IKEA..

saja nak nengok  barang barang rumah.. surveyyy katanya..

tapi sebab awal lagi.. pusing pusing dulu kawasan nearby..

sampai laaaaaa.. nak dekat pkol 10 pagi... kitorang pegi la IKEA.. 

since kitorang sampai awal.. (ikea x bukak lagi)

xde la ramai sangat... so.. beratur.. and start look around pameran pameran yang ada kat IKEA tu..

tapi.. yang salahnya.. patut masuk restoran ikea dulu..

sebab masa tu kompom x ramai orang..

tapi.... sebab masa tu dah makan breakfast.. xde la rasa nak makan..

puas nengok barang... nak pergi restoran dia.. perghhh panjang beratur dia..

and kami lak bukan sejenis nak beratur pepanjang semata.. 

makan tempat lain la jawabnya.. 

barang apa yang kami surveyy.. i think... im gonna update later at the other post.

keep posted yea ~!!



Cik Purple

Friday, February 26, 2021

Ms Angel birthday celebration

helloooo peppps
waszup waszupp..

sebenarnya Birthday si Ms Angel 21 Feb lepas..
tapi.. sebab tak berjumpa.. so xde la nak celebrate celebrate bagai..

kebetulan hari nie Ms Angel ajak teman dia pergi test drive kete Mr Ted..
sebab katanya esok dia nak pergi test kereta untuk lesen dia..
since Ms Angel apply untik lesen manual..
and Mr Ted ada kereta manual.. so.. kete dia la jadi mangsa.. huhu. 

since dia dah kawtim dengan Mr Ted untuk lenjan kete Mr Ted..
Cik Purple kawtim dengan Mr Ted untuk belikan dia kek besday.
a simple cake slice je..
sebab.. kami bukan kaki makan kek..
and xde pon celebration ape ape.. 

birthday kek Ms ANgel

birthday girl and her cake

 a simple celebration wont harm kan???

hehehee.. happy birthday bebbb...

semoga panjang umur.. murah rezeki..

and i love youuuu


Cik Purple

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Asthma COmplication & Prevention

Asthma Complication  

Complications Asthma complications include: 

  • Signs and symptoms that interfere with sleep, work and other activities 
  • Sick days from work or school during asthma flare-ups 
  • A permanent narrowing of the tubes that carry air to and from your lungs (bronchial tubes), which affects how well you can breathe 
  • Emergency room visits and hospitalizations for severe asthma attacks 
  • Side effects from long-term use of some medications used to stabilize severe asthma 
  • Proper treatment makes a big difference in preventing both short-term and long-term complications caused by asthma. 

Asthma Prevention 

While there's no way to prevent asthma, you and your doctor can design a step-by-step plan for living with your condition and preventing asthma attacks. 

  • Follow your asthma action plan. 
    • With your doctor and health care team, write a detailed plan for taking medications and managing an asthma attack. Then be sure to follow your plan.
    • Asthma is an ongoing condition that needs regular monitoring and treatment. Taking control of your treatment can make you feel more in control of your life. 
  • Get vaccinated for influenza and pneumonia. 
    • Staying current with vaccinations can prevent flu and pneumonia from triggering asthma flare-ups. 
  • Identify and avoid asthma triggers. 
    • A number of outdoor allergens and irritants — ranging from pollen and mold to cold air and air pollution — can trigger asthma attacks. Find out what causes or worsens your asthma, and take steps to avoid those triggers. 
  • Monitor your breathing. 
    • You may learn to recognize warning signs of an impending attack, such as slight coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. 
    • But because your lung function may decrease before you notice any signs or symptoms, regularly measure and record your peak airflow with a home peak flow meter. 
    • A peak flow meter measures how hard you can breathe out. Your doctor can show you how to monitor your peak flow at home. 
  • Identify and treat attacks early. 
    • If you act quickly, you're less likely to have a severe attack. You also won't need as much medication to control your symptoms. 
    • When your peak flow measurements decrease and alert you to an oncoming attack, take your medication as instructed. 
    • Also, immediately stop any activity that may have triggered the attack. If your symptoms don't improve, get medical help as directed in your action plan. 
  • Take your medication as prescribed. 
    • Don't change your medications without first talking to your doctor, even if your asthma seems to be improving. 
    • It's a good idea to bring your medications with you to each doctor visit. Your doctor can make sure you're using your medications correctly and taking the right dose. 
  • Pay attention to increasing quick-relief inhaler use. 
    • If you find yourself relying on your quick-relief inhaler, such as albuterol, your asthma isn't under control. See your doctor about adjusting your treatment.



Cik Purple

Asthma Cause, Triggers & Risk Factors

Asthma Causes & Triggers 

It isn't clear why some people get asthma and others don't, but it's probably due to a combination of environmental and inherited (genetic) factors.

Asthma  Triggers 

Exposure to various irritants and substances that trigger allergies (allergens) can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma. Asthma triggers are different from person to person and can include: 

  • Airborne allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste 
  • Respiratory infections, such as the common cold 
  • Physical activity 
  • Cold air 
  • Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke 
  • Certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) 
  • Strong emotions and stress 
  • Sulfites and preservatives added to some types of foods and beverages, including shrimp, dried fruit, processed potatoes, beer and wine 
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat

Risk Factors

A number of factors are thought to increase your chances of developing asthma. They include: 

  • Having a blood relative with asthma, such as a parent or sibling 
  • Having another allergic condition, such as atopic dermatitis — which causes red, itchy skin — or hay fever — which causes a runny nose, congestion and itchy eyes 
  • Being overweight 
  • Being a smoker 
  • Exposure to secondhand smoke 
  • Exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution 
  • Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, hairdressing and manufacturing



Cik Purple

Asthma & Symptoms


Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath. 

For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. 

Asthma can't be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it's important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust your treatment as needed

Symptoms of Asthma 

Symptoms Asthma symptoms vary from person to person. You may have infrequent asthma attacks, have symptoms only at certain times — such as when exercising — or have symptoms all the time. 

Asthma signs and symptoms include: 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Chest tightness or pain 
  • Wheezing when exhaling, which is a common sign of asthma in children 
  • Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing 
  • Coughing or wheezing attacks that are worsened by a respiratory virus, such as a cold or the flu 

Signs that your asthma is probably worsening include: 
  • Asthma signs and symptoms that are more frequent and bothersome Increasing difficulty breathing, as measured with a device used to check how well your lungs are working (peak flow meter) 
  • The need to use a quick-relief inhaler more often 

For some people, asthma signs and symptoms flare up in certain situations: 
  • Exercise-induced asthma, which may be worse when the air is cold and dry 
  • Occupational asthma, triggered by workplace irritants such as chemical fumes, gases or dust 
  • Allergy-induced asthma, triggered by airborne substances, such as pollen, mold spores, cockroach waste, or particles of skin and dried saliva shed by pets (pet dander)



Cik Purple

Kena Attack Buat Sekalian Kali

Hey Whatsupp Guyss..

good morning..

hari nie cik purple bangun dengan mengejut.. sebab ada call in masuk 

bila angkat.. dia letak.. haishh..

after call back....


kena asthma attack..

peritttt siott.. sumpah perittt gilaaa.. 

dengan batuknya..

dengan susah nak bernafasnyaa.. 

sakit dada

since x boleh tahan... amik la pam..

bila lepas amik pam.. eh eh eh.. badan kita pulak menggigil..

terus rasa macam hypoo..

then rasa dada macam kne compress..

allahhh.. sakit gila..

sebabkan sakit.. kita pon tido..hehehe

ayuhh kawan kawan.. cik purple sleep dulu ye..

xtahan sakit. 


Cik Purple

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

[Hindi] 3 Idiots (2009)

3 Idiots

In 1999, students Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi of the Imperial College of Engineering in Delhi, struggle to compete within its cutthroat academic culture. Farhan is passionate about wildlife photography but chose to join in order to appease his father, while Raju is in need of a career that will extricate his family from poverty. 

Their roommate, the eccentric Ranchoddas "Rancho" Shamaldas Chanchad, who is genuinely passionate about engineering, gives unorthodox answers in class and frequently clashes with the ICE director, Viru "virus" Sahastrabuddhe, since he believes that students should enjoy what they learn, despite their strict teaching model. When a student named Joy Lobo commits suicide after failing to meet a project deadline and being denied graduation by Virus, Rancho confronts Virus about the pressure placed on the students to succeed, but his rebellious behavior puts a strain on Farhan and Raju's relationships with their own families.


Raju attempts to distance himself from Rancho, but when Raju's paralyzed father needs a medical emergency, Rancho saves his life by taking him to the hospital with the help of Virus' younger daughter Pia, who begins to fall in love with Rancho. At the end of the year, Rancho is shown to have topped the school's rankings despite his disdain for its education system, while Farhan and Raju continue to fall behind. 

 One night, while severely drunk, the trio have a discussion where Rancho chides Farhan for abandoning his passion for photography and Raju for having developed a fear of failure, but when the two bet Rancho to propose to Pia in exchange for giving up their own fears, they decide to break into Virus' house, where Rancho confesses his feelings to Pia and the other two urinate on his property. Virus spots Raju amidst their escape and tells Raju he will be thrown out of campus unless he helps him expel Rancho. A distraught Raju attempts suicide but recovers due to committed care from his friends and family.


With a newfound perspective on his life, Raju successfully applies for a job, while Farhan receives an apprenticeship offer from his favorite photographer, Andre Istvan, and earns his father's blessings. An infuriated Virus attempts to sabotage Raju's chances of success by holding an unfairly difficult exam. With Pia's help, Rancho and Farhan break into his office to steal the exam papers and though Raju refuses to cheat, the trio is caught and expelled by Virus. Pia confronts her father over her brother's suicide, which was prompted by similar pressure placed on him by Virus to become an engineer at the expense of his own ambitions. 

That night, during a rainstorm that causes widespread flooding and power outrages, Virus' older daughter Mona, who is pregnant, goes into labor. Unable to drive to a hospital, Rancho and the other students use their engineering knowledge to quickly modify a vacuum cleaner into a ventouse and deliver the baby with the help of Pia through a webcam. A grateful Virus acknowledges Rancho as an extraordinary student and revokes the expulsions. On graduation day, Rancho promptly disappears and is never seen by his friends again. 

 Ten years later, Raju, now a business executive, and Farhan, a photographer, are both successful in their chosen careers. Their former classmate and academic rival Chatur, now a wealthy executive in an American company, also wants to meet Rancho again because he wants to settle a bet he had made ten years prior after being humiliated in a prank, stating that he would be more successful than Rancho. He calls them claiming to know Rancho's whereabouts in Shimla, and the three of them head out to find him. 

Upon arrival, they find a different man living by Rancho's name and degree. Upon confrontation, the man explains that the "Ranchoddas Chanchad" they knew was actually "Chhote", his family's orphaned servant boy, who was tasked with completing his entire education for him all the way through, to earn a degree at ICE. He tells them Chhote had cut off all contact with his friends due to a deal with Shamaldas Chanchad, and gives them his actual address in Ladakh. 

Farhan and Raju decide to bring Pia along with them. Chatur protests the detour, as it would jeopardize his planned meeting with the illustrious client "Phunsukh Wangdu," a renowned scientist, but the duo crash Pia's wedding, and whisk her away from her fiance to go and reunite with Rancho. In Ladakh, the group finds a thriving engineering school in the mountains for local children. They learn that Rancho has kept up to date with their careers and reunite with him. Rancho admits he is still in love with Pia and they decide to marry. Chatur assumes that Rancho is a lowly schoolteacher, but Rancho reveals his real name to be Phunsukh Wangdu, the successful client Chatur has been after. The friends happily celebrate their reunion and laugh at the bewildered and desperate Chatur.



Cik Purple

[Kdrama] Goblin (2016)

( Gurdian: The Lonely & Great God)

Kim Shin (Gong Yoo), a decorated military general from the Goryeo Dynasty, is framed as a traitor and killed by the young king. Years after his death, he is cursed by the Almighty to stay immortal forever, enduring the pain of seeing his loved ones die as punishment for the soldiers he killed to protect his country. He becomes an immortal goblin, helping people with his powers and being a kind man in spite of his grieving past. The only way to put an end to his immortality is the Goblin's bride, whose aid in pulling out the sword will end his painful immortality. 

 Ji Eun-tak (Kim Go-eun) is a bubbly high school student who remains cheerful and hopeful despite her tragic life. She summons the Goblin by chance and their fates begin to entwine. The Goblin's nephew, Yoo Deok-hwa (Yook Sung-jae), leases the Goblin's house to a Grim Reaper (Lee Dong-wook) and the two end up living under the same roof. 

Ji Eun-tak starts working a part-time job at a chicken store run by a charismatic young woman, Sunny (Yoo In-na). As the lives of Kim Shin, Grim Reaper, Ji Eun-tak and Sunny interweave, a deeper story unfolds, as they are not just strangers who met by chance, but people with deep-rooted relations.

[Drama] Marry Me Senorita (2021)

Marry Me Senorita

Sofiy Leia dipaksa meninggalkan rumah oleh ibu saudaranya sebaik sahaja bapa saudara Sofiy meninggal dunia. Dia dikejar dan untuk menyelamatkan dirinya, dia mencari perlindungan di bawah gazebo di mana Isa Alejandro juga turut berehat. Oleh kerana keadaan hujan lebat dan matahari sudah terbenam, Sofiy tidak mempunyai pilihan selain bermalam di sana. 

Walaupun dia menganggap Isa adalah seorang yang sombong, namun dia tetap menceritakan kisah tentang apa yang telah berlaku dalam hidupnya. Isa mengingatkan Sofiy agar tidak terlalu mempercayai rakan baiknya, Tina, tetapi Sofiy menolak. 

Sebaik sahaja Sofiy sampai di Kuala Lumpur, dia melihat perubahan pada Tina tetapi masih berusaha memikirkan yang baik-baik. Tina berjanji akan membantu Sofiy untuk mencari pekerjaan. Sofiy panik apabila Tina cuba menjualnya kepada bos tempat dia bekerja dan Sofiy memanggil Isa untuk meminta pertolongan. 

Setelah menyelamatkan Sofiy, Isa membawanya ke rumah datuk dan nenek Isa. Dia terkejut ketika Isa memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai bakal isteri. Isa meminta Sofiy untuk menikahinya bagi membantu memulihkan kepercayaan datuknya dan pada masa yang sama membantu memastikan keselamatan Sofiy dari Tina dan majikannya. Sofiy terpaksa bersetuju kerana dia menyedari bahawa dia sedang diburu oleh Tina. 

Sofiy memaksa Isa untuk menceraikannya sebelum menikahi Rossa. Sebaik sahaja mereka bercerai, Sofiy melanjutkan pelajarannya ke luar negeri dan berusaha untuk tidak memikirkan Isa walaupun dia masih sangat mencintainya. Apa yang akan berlaku kepada Isa selepas perceraian? Adakah cinta mereka akan mekar kembali?


Potong Rambut Sendiri Di Rumah

just a quick post guy ye.. 

tadi tengah bosan bosan.. dok la scroll alam maya..

pastu ternampak ade video orang guntung rambut sendiri kat rumah..

and kita pon.. ape lagi..

masuk bilik air... basahkan rambut.. sikat rambut.. dannnnnn


gunting rambut ... 

hahahhaa.. xtau ape jadi kat rambut tu..

hopefully bebaik je la tuu.

tapi.. lepas potong rambut.. rasa ringan beb... huhuhu..



Cik Purple