Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cakap Belakang

i think i need to pot pet here laaa.
baru puas hati cik purple ni haaa.. 

baru baru ni.. ade kes baru keluar... 
''Kata Belakang"  "
huishh.. habis kecohhhhh dibuatnyaaaa..

kalau tanya cik purple laaa.. opkossss cik purple x bape suka orang ngata belakang..
tapiii.. hurmm.. cik purple selalu positivekan diri...
dia x mampu nk kata berdepan..
belakang jugak dia cakap... nk buat macam mana..
anyhow.. take things yang boleh imporvekan diri saja..
kalau yang negative tapi x membantu.. kita campak saja dalam lombong..
bukan berguna pon..

"trash words that doesnt help to develop yourself to be better person is suitable to be dump to the dustbin" 
Talk Back? i dont really care
coz they dont hav the courage to talk and discuss it with me
why shud i have them right to spoiled my valueable day
they just dont deserve it.

so.. stay positive..
stay elegant
and have fun

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