Monday, September 23, 2019

Review: King's Magic Cup Ice Cream

assalamualaikum semua..
waszuup wasszzupp.. 

kali nie nak stori mori la pasal one of my favourite ice cream...

King's Magic Cup Chocolate Sprinkle

Chocolate Flavoured Ice Confection with Chocolate Pieces and Chocolate Sauce

Image result for kings magic cup ice cream

ni la eskrim dia..
selalunya i akan dapat borong eskrim ni bila pergi GIANT
tempat lain ada.. tapi for me.. susah sikit la nak cari..

last time.. arwah my dad yang selalu belikan..
sebab.. dia tgk kitorang suka makan..
from there la i was like... 
'ahaaaa... GIANT... buy ice cream... shud be.. shud borong' 



selalu kita more dengan jenama Paddle Pop.. Walls..
but this kind of King's Selection ponnn sodapp..

1stly.. rasa dia chocolate..
cukup rasa yeee..
memang sedappp ahh.. 
memang terasaaaa..
tapi dia ada 2 flavour...
1 lagi flavour Vanila + Raspberry
but sebab i x makan raspberry.. so xpenah cuba.. 

2nd... Isipadu dia banyak...and dalam cup..
so.. for kids.. memang sedap la..
xde la comot eskrim menitis nitisss.. 
dlm cup. 

3rd.. harga affordable.
duluuuuu... murah lagi laa..
nowdays.. harga dia dah naikkk.. RM 2.60 per cup..
but.. sebab sedap.. boleh la beli..

so.. kalau korang pergi GIANT.. boleh la try cari and tryyy rasa choc ice cream ni.. 
for those yang datang ke GIANT, Subang Jaya.. 
korang boleh beli kat Uncle Jacks dekat dengan food court area.. 
boronggggg macam saya.. 


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