Monday, January 27, 2020

[Review] Inside Scoop Ice Cream

Image result for inside scoop

Inside Scoop Ice Cream
1 kind of brand yang jual ice cream.. 
ramai yang cakap sedap..
ramai yang cakap terasaaaaaaaa sangat flavour dia.. 
so.. yeah.. why not kita cuba. 

Image result for inside scoop
normal price 


sejujurnya... nie first time i try this brand for ice cream..
siapa yang kenal i..
its kinda familiar i dengan promo by Baskin Robbins.
and selalunya baskin robbins yang i akan bedal..
if i wanted for some branded and good taste with lot of choices of ice cream. 

since ramai yang dok puji puji inside scoop nie..
terasa sangat laa flavor..
sedap sangat laa..
so.. why not cuba..

Image result for maxis deal

kebetulan pulak maxis deals bulan nie ade promo berkenaan dengan Inside Scoop
1 SCOOP for RM 6.50
so.. untuk cuba.. why not kan???
bolehh laaa ... 

so.. i pergi ke IOI MALL PUTRAJAYA
for lunch je actually..
then.. ternampak ade Inside Scoop kat situ..
saja cuba cuba.. 
Mr Ted kat sebelah pon layankan je.. 

so.. try test few flavour..
and we choose nak cuba  NUTTY NUTELLA
mebi Mr Ted is being considerate..
sebab i dengan few pepelik punya flavour ni i x gemar..
i love creamy or choc flavour..

Nutty nutella ni not bad..
rasa chocolate..
hahaha.. nutella kan..
memang la chocolate..
but it kinda blend with  rasa kacang sikit..
but still nice..
ade rasa manis manis chocolate kat situ..

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