Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Sudah Jadi Planner ke?

assalamualaikum semuaaa
hallluuuu eberibodi.. 

minggu lepas cik purple dapat mesej...
dari kawan-kawan cik purple la..
memasing merengek konon nak ideas...
how nk surprise your love one with special celebration..
ni kes birthday coming out la nii..
jaga korang ye kalau masa birthday cik purple uols xplan ape ape..
i piat piatttt telinga sorang sorang. 
hhehhee.. acah garang sikitt ye dakk. 

sorang ni nak buat surprise romantic dinner..
sorang lagi.. nak small surprise birthday celebration..

we gotta seee how ..
and i would share the ideas or the event here later.. 

sis nak gali lubuk lubuk magic sekejap.. 
heeee.. adiossss 

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