Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Type of Notebooks Ideas

Image result for how to start a bullet journal

Types of Notebooks Ideas

  1. Bullet Journal- list all ur task, list, notes, goals, and plan your day ahead. Need to have a monthly spread & daily log
  2. Collections Books - put in ur list, wish list, seize of the day, quotes, bucket list, 
  3.  Ideas Notebooks- to track the ideas or projects that you can do. 
  4. Journal /Diary - to jot down anything that you wanna share. 
  5. Quotes Journal - to keep all interesting quotes 
  6. Travel Notebooks - share all information that you have about the place you visit or want to visit. 
  7.  Sketching Notebook - free to sketch anything when you in a free time 
  8.  Health Tracker - track your health tracker, meal tracker & habit tracker
  9.  Editorial NotebookEditorial Notebook - to track what you planning for blog/youtube/

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