Monday, August 26, 2019

What Is Bullet Journal

Image result for what is a bullet journal
source : Mr Google
What is Bullet Journal?

Equal parts day planner, diary, and written meditation, bullet journaling turns the chaos of coordinating your life into a streamlined system that helps you be more productive and reach your personal and professional goals. With sections to log your daily to-do’s, monthly calendar, notes, long-term wants and more, your BuJo is customized to your life.

By updating it daily,“you learn how to get rid of things that are distracting you and add things you care about,” Carroll says

"The only thing that the bullet journal needs to be is effective, and how it can best serve its author is entirely up to them."

Image result for what is a bullet journal
source : Mr Google

cik purple dah start buat my bullet journal ni nearly 1 year dah..
not a fancy one.. but it helps me track my day.. plan my day
lagi2 kalau kita yang ada banyak task and selalu terlupa..
you shud have 1 journal.

sebenarnya sebelum ni xtahu pon wujud pasal bullet journal..
tau buat journal biasa.. mcm planner tu..
tapi.. bila nampak lawaa.. uishhh.. terinspirasi pulakk..
mula gatal tangannnn nak try buat..
alhamdulillah.. boleh la sikit2.. 

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