Thursday, February 6, 2020

Makan Sedap at Farewell En Kamil

Cik Purple has been invited to my old office, Sama Sama Express KLIA
by my friend sempena Farewell EN Kamil
En Kamil is previously my Housekeeping Manager (masa 1st time masuk keje sana) 
and my Operation Manager (masa 2nd time masuk kerja sana) 
so.. he is basically superior of me laa.. 

Disebabkan masih tular pasal wabak Corona Virus.. so kenalah pakai mask nie.
sesak nafass wei bernafas guna mask nie.. xselesa
mcm mana la dorang pakai mask nie lelama.. 

since ive been working there twice and rapat dengan dia..
ive been invited to come along..
sambil meraikan hari hari terakhir dia.. 

basically it is a small party..
with good food..
well. cant deny that the cooks there masak sedap.. 

Highlight of The Day : Udang Masak Tempoyak

and we have theese dishes for the party.. 
1. udang masak tempoyak
2. daging masak itam
3. ayam goreng kunyit
4. asam pedas ikan tenggiri.. 
with ulam  & sambal belacan & budu
with cuts of fruits
with jelly
with cakes
with signature anis's cucur jagung. 

Ayam Masak Kunyit
Asam Pedas Ikan Tenggiri
Daging Masak Itam
sedapppp gilerrrr

my favourite kek span & cucuq jagung

i have blessed to come..
sedap gilerrr weiii..

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