Monday, February 24, 2020

Swiss Garden & SGI Vacation Club is SO CANCELLED !!!

Image result for swiss garden logo

im sorry... 
but this might be good for me.. 

masa bulan January lepas...
ade call ajak pergi nengok hotel diorang..
and they give me a coplimentary voicher for 3 days 2 night stay kat any of 3 of their hotels..
to try & experience their stay... 

after do some planning..
i plan to redeem my voucher.. 
however bila bukak website dia..
ehh.. semua full.
hari hari full..

Image result for sgi vacation club

therefore, i call SGI punya HQ..
sebab nak tahu how to do the booking when semua kaler merah (not available) 
dah la xboleh amik weekend..
nk amik weekdays.. tetiap hari merah..
ko rasaaa????

masa call tu.. i talked to AMIR..
i dont know la ape jawatan dia..
so.. kita mengadu laaaaa pasal hal nie..
then dia suruh drop email.....
while i said.. i plan nk pergi cepat.. n email akan bg late response.. 
dia kata hanya person in charge tu je akan entertain...
then i cakap.. salah tu bukan dr pihak i..
ur sistem yang x okey.. yang error.. bukan salah i la kalau macam tuu.. 

then.. dia mengajar i.. 
katanya " kenapa masa datang open day tu xde date sesiap... kalau tak boleh terus booking "
me like... whattt?? the...? fuckkkkk ???
masa nie memang darah naik ke kepalaaaa..
memang hanginnn 1 badann yeee.. 
rasa nak mencaruttttsssssss sangat sangatt.. 
i have 4 months availability to do my booking anytime selagi masih dalam tempoh sah voucher..
and i have lots of other things need to oversee and consider before i plan to go holiday..

i dont know what them people are thinking..
dia ingat kita nie x de keje lainnn ke camnee..
so. this kind of attitude memang buat aku macam menyampahhh gilaaaa dah..
i used to love to go to ur hotels..
but now... x dah kott...

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