Monday, February 10, 2020

Survey Air Kotak di Mydin

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hey uols..
still thinking thinking thinking nie kan.. 
dah patut kot survey survey harga barang barang nie kan.. 

so... kita mulakan dengan air kotak..
kali nie air kotak dari mydin.. 
so... heyyaa..
well.. i xde la kerajinan sangat nak pergi setiap mydin tu check harga semata..
now kan zaman teknologi..
semua dihujung jari saja..
so... kita google & online kat website saja..
senang & mudah kan.. 

haa.. tekan link kat atas tu.. dah keluarrrrr info.. 
so.. yeah.. nie antara harga survey ye.. 

DATE 10 FEB 2020

Drinho Assorted  250ml (pack of 6 ) = RM 4.35
(untuk 6pcs - 1 kotak = RM 0.73)
Drinho Assorted  250ml (1 carton -24 pcs ) = RM 15.95
(utk carton - 1 kotak = RM 0.65)
* flavour Lychee/sugar cane/ soya bean milk / crysanthemum tea

Marigold Drink 250ml (pack of 6) = RM 5.30(untuk 6pcs - 1 kotak = RM 0.88)
Marigold Assorted  250ml (1 carton -24 pcs ) = RM 19.60
(utk carton - 1 kotak = RM 0.81)

Ribena Juice Rtd Promo Pack 24Sx200ml = RM 26.88
(utk carton - 1 kotak = RM 1.12)

Seasons Soya Bean  250ml (pack of 6) = RM 5.80
(untuk 6pcs - 1 kotak = RM 0.97)
Seasons Assorted  250ml (1 carton -24 pcs ) = RM 22.00
(utk carton - 1 kotak = RM 0.91)

Yeo's Assorted  250ml (pack of 6) = RM 5.50
(untuk 6pcs - 1 kotak = RM 0.91)
Yeo's Assorted  250ml (1 carton -24 pcs ) = RM 20.80
(utk carton - 1 kotak = RM 0.86)

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