Tuesday, August 11, 2020

[Scent] Bath & Body Works - White Caramel Cold Brew Candle

Connect: Behaviour - The rise of scentertainment

(Bath & Body WOrks - White Caramel Cold Brew Candle)

Bath & Body Works Single Wick Candle - White Caramel Cold Brew ...

Roasted Brew Coffee, Warm Caramel Drizzle, Vanilla Sweet Cream



White Caramel Cold Brew.. 
sesuai dengan nama dia..
bau dia semanis gulaaa..

i cant say the scent is as same as the drink..
but.. bau dia mempersonakan..
bau manisssss..
mcm cream caramel pon boleh jugakkk cakap macam tu..

what i like about Bath & Body Works punya candle collections nie..
bau diaaa.. masyaallah.... subhanallahh.. sedap gileeerrr.
from the bottle itself... dah boleh bau..
just put ur nose nearby the lid/ bottle.. dah boleh bau manis dia..
xperluu bukak pon tutup candle jar tuu...
xperlu bakar pon dah bauuu dia..

surely one of my favourite..

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