Saturday, July 11, 2020

[DIY] Tea Tree Oil And Mint Foot Scrub

DIY Foot Scrubs – 20 Recipes To Pamper Your Tired Feet

DO-It Yourself
Homemade Tea Tree Oil & Mint Foot Scrub

You Will Need 

  • 1 cup bath salt 
  • 2-3 drops tea tree essential oil 
  • 2-3 drops peppermint essential oil 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 


  1. Combine the sea salt and the oils in a bowl until you get a paste. 
  2. Apply the paste on your feet and scrub for 10 minutes. 
  3. Wash and follow up with a moisturizer. 

How It Works 

  • The essential oils soothe your feet and kill any bacteria and germs present on them 
  • The salt acts as a scrub that removes dirt and dead skin cells from your feet. 

If you have cracked heels, the essential oils might sting a bit. But there is nothing to worry.

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