Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What I Did Today

July Journaling Challenge - Emily Jane

What I Did Today

today.... i pergi amik stock kat KL.
for my Keropok Lekor business.. 
for this time.. i cuma amik 10 pek sahaja..
sebab nnt gaduh dengan mummy berebut space dalam fridge. 

supposely i keluar dengan Cik Dee..
nak mintak dia teman kita pergi shopping.. 
but.. because dia pon bizi with lots of things to do..
i cancel..
lagipon Ms Meow ajak jumpa..
teman dia ke Kajang..
so.. i dont wanna rush...
then... just rest at home for a while. 

petang.. dalam pkol 5 lebih.. i gerak ke gombak..
so.. Ms Meow will pick me up there..
then together ke Kajang.. 

Sampai kajang.. we listen to takaful enpreneur talk..
and suddenly i sign up for takaful agent class...
hahahhaa.. entah laa..
layankan jeee..
mana yang sangkut.. tu kita buat..

busy? hectic?
not really?
but full and compact..

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