Saturday, April 18, 2020

8 Ways To Make Relationship More Romantic

International Kissing Day 2016: 10 most romantic places in the ...

8 Ways To Make Relationship More Romantic? 

  1. Give your partner compliments and words of appreciation Touch your partner lovingly – a stroke of the arm or a kiss on the forehead 
  2. Spend time together as a couple – alone, preferably doing novel and challenging activities 
  3. Perform romantic gestures, little things, often. A 6 second kiss on leaving or a flower picked from the garden (knowing these 50 things about your partner will help) 
  4. Do romantic deeds – acts of service for your partner 
  5. Give romantic gifts and not just when they are expected 
  6. Improve yourself, be the best that you can be 
  7. Share your secrets, deepest thoughts and fears. 
  8. Your partner should be your closest confidant

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