Saturday, April 11, 2020

What Is Romantic

The most romantic professions | Human Resources Online

What Does Romantic Means? 

Being romantic means making your partner feel that they are the most important thing in your life – that they are the highest priority.

What is Romance and how do you keep it alive in a relationship? 

The dictionary definition is “conducive to or characterized by the expression of love.” Helpful, but not very prescriptive in terms of the practical steps you can take to get more romance in your relationship.  

If you recall the early days of your love you’ll remember the weak-at-the-knees, can’t-get-enough feelings you had at the thought of your new love interest. You went out of your way to do special things for them. You enjoyed just being in their presence and looked forward to being reunited after every parting. That period is known as ‘limerance’ the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person. It’s driven by the reward centre of your brain that is flooded with the feel-good hormones of dopamine and norepinephrine. 

 For some couples this heady period settles into a comfortable togetherness that sustains the relationship for decades. These are the elderly couples you see walking hand in hand and who engage in romantic activities even after many years of being together.

What the Key of Romantic Success? 
What is romance?

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