Sunday, May 31, 2020

[Foodie] NR Seafood Village, Terengganu

tempat makan kuala terengganu

NR   Seafood Village

NR Seafood Village merupakan restoran yang dikatakan ramai sebagai antara restoran Western Food terbaik di Terengganu. Tidak hairanlah restoran ini pernah dipaparkan di dalam rancangan Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan terbitan TV3 suatu ketika dulu. 

 Suasana dan dekorasi restoran ini sudah cukup menyerlahkan keunikannya kerana ia dibina daripada kayu dan berasaskan tumbuhan disekelilingnya. Sesuai benar dengan namanya sebagai “village”.

Pilihan makanan di sini juga pelbagai. Seperti namanya, pastinya mereka menyajikan hidangan seafood yang sangat sedap malahan nasi gorengnya juga kaya dengan elemen seafood yang melimpah ruah. Terdapat begitu banyak sekali pilihan makanan Barat selain makanan yang lain. Antara makanan barat pilihan yang sering menjadi pilihan adalah chicken chop yang dihidangkan dengan kentang goreng dan kuah yang amat sedap.

Alamat: Jalan Ketapang Pantai, Kampung Pengkalan Maras, 21020 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 
Waktu Operasi: Setiap hari, 
hari minggu 3 – 11 pm, hujung minggu 3 pm – 12 am

Pulau Lang Tengah

Pulau Lang Tengah Kuala Terengganu

Pulau Lang Tengah 

Terletak di antara Pulau Redang dan Pulau Perhentian, pulau yang terletak di dalam Kuala Terengganu ini, Pulau Lang Tengah adalah sebuah destinasi pelancongan yang agak terkenal dalam kalangan pelancong. 

 Untuk pengetahuan anda, pulau ini lengkap dengan beberapa buah chalet dan resort. Namun, sekiranya anda bercadang untuk bermalam di pulau ini, pastikan anda membuat tempahan lebih awal dan bukannya secara walk-in untuk mengelakkan masalah bilik penuh. Ini adalah satu kemungkinan besar terutama sekali sekiranya anda datang ketika musim cuti, memandangkan pulau ini merupakan pilihan ramai kaki scuba diving. 

 Untuk ke sini anda boleh mengambil bot laju dari Merang, Setiu dengan masa perjalanan sekitar 30 ke 40 minit. Sampai sahaja di pulau ini anda akan disambut dengan keindahan persis di alam mimpi kawasan pantai dengan air kebiruan dan hutan yang mekar kehijauan.

 Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk berkelah di tepi pantai ini sambil menikmati pemandangan matahari terbenam atau terbit. Kalau bernasib baik, anda mungkin dapat melihat kelibat burung helang yang menangkap ikan daripada permukaan lautan.

Pulau Lang Tengah, Kuala Terengganu

[Foodie] Dim Sum Place, Singapore

Top 10 Dim Sum Restaurants in Singapore

 Dim Sum Place, Singapore 

Dim Sum adalah tempat yang ‘perfect’ kalau anda berminat nak makan Dim Sum Kantonis yang halal. Selalunya, dekat kedai ini pengunjung akan order classic Carrot Cake, traditional egg tarts dan juga Siew mai versi halal.

Alamat : 791 North Bridge Road, Singapore 198759

 Waktu Operasi :
Isnin – Khamis, Ahad : 11am – 2.30pm, 5.30pm – 11pm.
Jumaat & Sabtu : 11am – 2.30pm, 5.30pm – 5am.

Zoo Singapore

Singapore Zoo

Zoo Singapore

Mengakui dirinya sebagai zoo hutan hujan terbaik di dunia, Zoo Singapura merupakan satu lokasi yang cukup mengagumkan. Kemudahan yang ada di sini cukup bersih dan menarik, dan haiwan-haiwan zoo yang ada kelihatannya dipelihara dengan penuh rapi dengan kepelbagaian tumbuh-tumbuhan dan ruang habitat. 

 Orang Utan yang ada cukup mengagumkan, dan para pengunjung boleh melihat orang utan yang seperti seorang dewasa dan bayi bergayut di tinggi sekali di atas platform-platform mereka dan makan pisang-pisang yang ada.

Terdapat juga sebuah keluarga besar chimpanzee, kuda belang, meerkat, Biawak Komodo, tikus mondok, harimau putih, kanggaru, dan banyak lagi haiwan-haiwan lain. para pengunjung boleh memerhatikan sendiri penyusuan kepada beberapa haiwan yang ada. 

Luangkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga jam untuk anda berjalan-jalan di sekitar zoo ini. Jika zoo ini tidak cukup untuk memuaskan keperluan anda melihat haiwan-haiwan liar, terdapat juga Night Safari, River Safari (termasuk juga panda gergasi), dan Jurong Bird Park. Pas untuk taman-taman ini tersedia jika anda ingin melawat lebih dari satu taman hidupan liar ini.

80 Mandai Lake Rd, Singapore 729826 

Tiket: Tiket Dewasa SG $ 37, Tiket Kanak-kanak SG $ 25 (3 hingga 12 tahun) dan Tiket Warga Emas SG $ 17 (berumur 60 tahun ke atas) 
Waktu Operasi: Dibuka dari pukul 8.30 pagi hingga 6.00 petang

Resipi Kuih Cara Berlauk

Resepi Kuih Cara Berlauk Paling Enak | Iluminasi

Resipi Kuih Cara Berlauk


Bahan-bahan untuk inti: 

  • 300g daging atau ayam kisar 
  • 2 sudu besar serbuk kari 
  • 1 biji bawang besar 
  • 2 ulas bawang putih 
  • Sedikit lada putih atau lada sulah 

Bahan-bahan hiasan atas:

  • 2 biji cili merah, hiris halus 
  • Bawang goreng 
  • daun bawang 
  • daun sup 

Bahan-bahan untuk adunan kuih cara: 

  • 2 cawan tepung gandum 
  • 2 biji telur 
  • 4 cawan santan cair 
  • ½ sudu kecil garam 
  • ¼ sudu kecil pewarna kuning

Cara Penyediaan: 

Cara-cara untuk inti: 

  1. Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar dan bawang putih sehingga kekuningan. 
  2. Masukkan bancuhan rempah kari yang dibancuh dengan sedikit air dan masak sehingga pecah minyak. 
  3. Masukkan daging bersama lada sulah dan kiub ayam kemudian kacau sehingga kering airnya. 
  4. Perasakan dengan garam dan gula secukupnya. 

Cara-cara untuk adunan kuih cara: 

  1. Bancuh semua bahan adunan kuih cara daan kacau sehingga sebati. Tapis dengan penapis supaya tiada ketulan tepung. bancuh di dalam blender saja pon boleh . 
  2. Panaskan loyang kuih cara dan sapu sedikit minyak. 
  3. Tuang adunan ke dalam acuan dan sudukan inti ke atas kuih. 
  4. Kemudian tabur dengan hirisan cili, daun bawang, daun sup dan bawang goreng. 
  5. Tutup loyang dengan penutupnya atau tudung periuk. Masak selama lebih kurang 3-4 minit di atas api perlahan.

Resipi Baked Macaroni & Cheese


Resipi Baked Macaroni & Cheese

Bahan-bahan Makaroni Cheese Bakar: 

  • 150 gram makaroni 
  • 100 g daging/ayam cincang 
  • 2 ulas bawang putih (cincang) 
  • 3 ulas bawang merah (cincang) 
  • 1/2 labu bawang holland (cincang) 
  • 6 sudu besar sos spageti 
  • 3 sudu besar tomato puri 
  • 2 sudu besar sos cili 
  • 1 sudu sos tiram 
  • 2 sudu besar pes cili (kalau nak pedas) 
  • Sayur campuran 
  • Tomato (potong dadu) 
  • Daun sup 
  • Gula 
  • Garam 
  • Serbuk oregano/mixed herb/Italian herb

Bahan Sos Putih : 

  • 1 cawan susu segar 
  • 1 sudu besar mentega 
  • Serbuk oregano/lada sulah 
  • 1 sudu besar tepung jagung (bancuh dengan sedikit air) 
  • 1 @2 keping cheese 
  • Garam 
  • Gula

Cara-cara : 

  1. Rebus makaroni sehingga lembut dengan sedikit minyak dan garam. Tos dan ketepikan. 
  2. Panaskan sedikit minyak. Tumiskan kesemua bahan sehingga naik bau. 
  3. Kemudian masukkan pes cili. Kacau sehingga pecah minyak. 
  4. Masukkan ayam/daging cincang. Kacau sebentar. 
  5. Masukkan tomato puri, sos spegati, sos cili dan sos tiram. Tambahkan garam, gula dan serbuk oregano secukupnya. 
  6. Masukkan sayuran campuran. Kacau sehingga sayur agak layu. 
  7. Masukkan pula tomato. Kacau sekejap. 
  8. Akhir sekali masukkan makaroni. Gaul rata dan seimbangkan rasa.

Cara membuat sos putih: 

  1. Cairkan butter. Masukkan cheese. Kacau sehingga cheese cair. 
  2. Masukkan susu segar. Tunggu sehingga mendidih. 
  3. Masukkan garam, gula dan oregano@lada sulah secukupnya. 
  4. Kemudian masukkan bancuhan tepung jagung. Kacau sehingga sos menjadi pekat.

Cara membakar makaroni : 

  1. Masukkan makaroni yang telah digoreng ke dalam loyang pembakar. 
  2. Tuangkan sos putih. Gaul rata. (boleh tambahkan beberapa keping cheddar cheese di dalam makaroni) 
  3. Taburkan cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, pizza topping) yang diparut ke atas makaroni. 
  4. Bakar pada suhu 170°c selama 20-30 minit. Api bawah.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

My Review : Verona Liquid Hand Wash

VERONA Anti Bacterial Hand Wash | Shopee Malaysia

hye uolss...
dah lama x buat review nie kan..
uhuk uhuk... kebizian.. 
selain.. keterlupaan.. 

kali nie... cik purple nak review pasal 1 produk nie..
Verona Liquid Hand Wash 



Verona Liquid Hand Wash nie..
kalau nak senang nak cari... 
boleh pergi ke cawangan ECO SHOP..
harga dia RM 2.10 
kiranya murahhh la kan..

so.. siapa yang bukak kedai makan..
i think boleh consider untuk guna this brand of liquid hand wash..
elakkan bagi customer guna chemical yang selalu korang beli tu..

so far yang cik purple pernah jumpa...
ade 4 flavor bau - lemon/orange, apple, strawberry & grape.
so far cik purple dah try apple, strawberry & grape..
and my fav choice - STRAWBERRY & GRAPE 
sebab bau dia.. sedap and tahan lama sikit. 
at least berbanding apple tuu.. 

texture dia biasa je..
macam liquid base soap je..
cuma kaler jernih..
and ade bau buah yang sedap..

for the price..
hokeyy laaaa... 
so far memang i repeat.. 

[DIY] Berry Refreshing Natural Lip Balm

E.l.f. Essential Lip Balm Tint Review | Beauty in Budget Blog

DO-It Yourself
Homemade  Berry  Refreshing  Natural  Lip  Balm

What You’ll Need: 

  •  Beeswax 
  • Refine Shea Butter 
  • Sweet Almond Oil 
  • Refined Coconut Oil 
  • Pomace Olive Oil 
  • Peppermint Essential Oil by Yein & Young 
  • Mixed Berries Lip Balm Flavor 
  • (Optional) Lip Liquid – Red  
  • Glass Pipette 
  • Metal Scoop/Glass Beaker 
  • Cooking Pan/Pot Glass Stirrer 
  • 5 Lip Balm Tubes (5ml each) 
  • Kitchen Scale


  1.  Add 2 tbsp of Natural Refined Beeswax Pastille and 1 tbsp of Refined Shea Butter in the metal scoop/glass beaker. 
  2. Place the metal scoop/glass beaker over a pan of water on a stove, and melt the contents. Stir occasionally to make sure the contents melt evenly.
  3. Once melted, add 1 tbsp of Sweet Almond Oil, Refined Coconut Oil, and Pomace Olive Oil. 
  4. Stir until it’s evenly blended. Remove the metal scoop/glass beaker from the pan.
  5.  Add 5 drops of Mixed Berries Lip Balm Flavor, and 2 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil. Stir to blend. 
  6. (Optional) Add in up to 5 drops of lip liquid to give your lip balms a light tint! Stir to blend again.
  7. Pour mixture into lip balm tubes. Set it aside for it to harden and cool before capping the lip balms.

    *Note: Make sure that your lip balm containers are screwed all the way down before pouring your mixture in, or you’ll end up with short lip balms!

Friday, May 29, 2020

5 Fakta Mengenai Haiwan Dalam Hijrah Nabi

5 Fakta Mengenai Haiwan Dalam Hijrah Nabi

  • Labah-labah. 
    • Allah telah memerintahkan labah-labah membuat sarang sutera di pintu masuk Gua Thur dimana tempat Nabi SAW dan Abu Bakar bersembunyi. 
    • Bertujuan untuk mengelirukan kaum musyrikin Quraisy kerana dari segi logik akal tidak logik ada orang di dalam gua jika sarang laba-labah tidak rosak. 
  • Burung Merpati. 
    • Allah memerintahkan dua ekor burung merpati betina supaya bertelur dan diam mengeramkan telurnya di hadapan pintu gua bagi mengelirukan lagi kaum musyrikin. 
  • Unta. 
    • 100 ekor unta telah ditawarkan oleh pemimpin musyrikin Mekah kepada sesiapa yang berjaya menjejaki Nabi Muhammad SAW. 
  • Kuda. 
    • Antara yang mengejar tawaran 100 ekor unta ialah seorang lelaki bernama Suraqah yang berjaya menjejaki Nabi Muhammad SAW. 
    • Namun Allah menjadikan kaki kuda Suraqah terbenam di dalam pasir sehingga tidak dapat melepaskan diri. 
    • Suraqah berjanji melepaskan Nabi SAW lalu nabi mendoakan dia dan kudanya dilepaskan daripada benaman pasir. 
  • Kambing
    • Mukjizat Nabi Muhammad SAW kepada Kambing uzur kepunyaan Ummu Ma’bad yang sudah pun uzur dan sakit tiba-tiba mampu mengeluarkan susu kambing yang sangat banyak.
    •  Ummu Ma’bad ialah seorang wanita budiman yang biasa memberi makan dan minum kepada para pedagang yang melalui khemahnya di daerah Qadid.

Hijarah Nabi Muhammad

Hijrah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

  1. Pada 28 haribulan Safar, Nabi Muhammad SAW telah keluar dari rumah baginda di Mekah bersama Abu Bakar Al- Siddiq selepas berjaya melarikan diri daripada pembesar Quraisy yang gagah perkasa .
  2.  Kemudian pada malam 1 haribulan Rabiul Awwal, Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Abu Bakar Al- Siddiq telah bermalam di Gua Thur. Bagi mengelak dijumpai oleh kaum musyrikin Quraisy. 
  3. Selepas 3 hari bermalam Baginda Keluar dari Gua Thur. Seperti yang dijanjikan Abdullah bin Uraiqith Al-Laytsi tiba dan mengembalikan tunggangan Baginda lalu menuju ke Yathrib (Madinah) bagi meneruskan perjalanan hijrah baginda. 
  4. Walaupun Yathrib (Madinah ) terletak di Utara Makkah, namun Baginda tidak memilih jalan biasa iaitu utara Makkah untuk ke sana.Sebaliknya Baginda menuju ke selatan Makkah. Ini kerana Baginda menyedari bahawa risiko yang sangat tinggi buat mereka di laluan tersebut yang pastinya kaum musyrikin Quraisy sedang menunggu mereka. 
  5. Seterusnya, pada 8 haribulan Rabiul Awwal Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Abu Bakar Al- Siddiq telah tiba di Quba’( kota sebelum Madinah). Semasa Nabi Muhammad SAW berada di Quba Baginda turun mengasaskan Masjid Quba’ dan disambut baik. 
  6. Kemudian, pada 12 haribulan Rabiul Awwal Nabi Muhammad SAW telah selamat tiba di Yathrib (Madinah) dan baginda telah disambut dengan baik dan penuh kegembiraan oleh penduduk disitu.

Hijrah Ke Madinah - Muhajir Pertama

Para Muhajir Pertama

Pendapat terkait para muhajirin pertama ke Madinah amatlah beragam. Nampaknya orang pertama dari kalangan sahabat Rasulullah saw yang pergi ke Yatsrib, adalah anak pakcik beliau beliau, Abu Salamah, yang kembali dari Habasyah dan datang ke Mekah. Saat Quraisy menganiayanya dan mendapat berita bahwa masyarakat Madinah telah memeluk Islam, satu tahun sebelum baiat 'Aqabah kedua ia berhijrah ke Madinah. 

Setelah itu disusul oleh ‘
  • Amir bin Rabi’ah, bersama istrinya Laila binti Abu Hasymah al-Adawi, 
  • Abdullah bin Jahsy bin Riab al-Asadi, dengan keluarga dan 
  • saudaranya Abu Ahmad bin Abd bin Jahsy; 
dengan demikian rumah Bani Jahsy kosong dan tidak ada seorangpun yang mendiaminya.

Abu Salamah, ‘Amir, Abdullah dan saudaranya, kesemuanya memasuki Quba, menemui kabilah Bani Amr bin ‘Auf bin Mubasyyir bin Abdul Mundzir. Kemudian para muhajir tiba di Madinah secara berkelompok-kelompok, seperti suku Bani Ghanam bin Dudan bin Asad bin Khuzaimah, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan kesemuanya berhijrah. 

 Selain Abdullah dan saudaranya: 
  • ‘Ukasyah bin Mihshan, 
  • Syuja’ dan ‘Uqbah putra Wahab, 
  • Arbad bin Humayyir, 
  • Munqiz bin Nubatah, 
  • Said bin Ruqaisy, 
  • Muhzir bin Nadhlah,
  •  Yazid bin Ruqaisy, 
  • Qais bin Jabir, 
  • ‘Amr bin Mihshan, 
  • Malik bin ‘Amr, 
  • Shafwan bin ‘Amr, 
  • Tsaqf bin ‘Amr, 
  • Rabi’ah bin Aktsam,
  •  Zubair bin Ubaidah, 
  • Tammam bin Ubaidah, 
  • Sakhbarah bin ‘Ubaidah, 
  • Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Jahsy, 
dan dari kalangan wanita:
  • Zainab binti Jahsy, 
  • Ummu Habib binti Jahsy, 
  • Jazzamah binti Jandal, 
  • Ummu Qaisy binti Mihshan, 
  • Ummu Habib binti Tsumamah, 
  • Aminah binti Ruqaisy, 
  • Sakhbarah binti Tamim, 
  • Hamnah binti Jahsy. 
Kemudian Umar bin Khattab dan ‘Iyasy bin Abi Rabi’ah al-Makhzumi.

Hijrah Ke Madinah

Hijrah – Religious Rehabilitation Group

Kisah Hijrah Ke Madinah

Hijrah Rasulullah saw dan sejumlah kaum muslim dari Mekah ke Yatsrib, pada tahun ke-13 kenabian. Alasan utama hijrah kaum muslim ke Yatsrib adalah supresi dan penindasan kaum musyrik Mekah dan baiat 'Aqabah penduduk Yatsrib dengan Nabi saw untuk membela kaum muslim, jika beliau berhijrah ke kota tersebut. Pada masa kekhilafahan khalifah kedua secara resmi menjadi awal penanggalan kaum muslim.

Sebelum Rasulullah saw hijrah ke Yatsrib, telah terjadi pertempuran-pertempuran yang berkepanjangan antara kabilah Yatsrib,  Aus dan Khazraj. Pertempuran Bu’ats (sengketa terakhir Aus dan Khazraj) telah mengusik kedua belah pihak, dan setelah gencatan senjata, telah menyiapkan konteks psikologis lazim untuk pengaruh dan penyebaran Islam di Yatsrib.  Sampai-sampai dua tahun berikutnya, pertemuan berturut-turut penduduk Yatsrib dengan Rasulullah saw pada musim haji (sepuluh sampai duabelas Bi’tsah) berujung pada baiat 'Aqabah pertama dan kedua dan pada akhirnya hijrah beliau dan sejumlah kaum muslim lainnya ke Yatsrib.

Setelah baiat 'Aqabah dan pulangnya 75 orang baiat A’qabah kedua ke Madinah serta kaum Quraisy akan mengetahui ajakan dan baiat yang dilakukan oleh Aus dan Hazraj dengan Rasulullah saw, maka represi penindasan kaum Quraisy terhadap kaum muslimin semakin intensif, sampai-sampai kehidupan di Mekah bagi kaum muslim amatlah sukar, sampai akhirnya mereka meminta izin kepada Nabi untuk berhijrah dan Nabi pun mengizinkan mereka untuk pergi menuju Madinah dan pergi menemui para saudaranya, Anshar dan berkata kepada mereka, "Allah swt menjadikan untuk kalian saudara dan tempat aman di situ".  Menurut riwayat, kaum muslim berangkat menuju Madinah secara berkelompok-kelompok dan Rasulullah tetap tinggal di Mekah sambil menanti izin dari Allah. Hijrah kaum muslim ke Madinah dimulai bulan Dzulhijjah, tahun 13 dari kenabian.

Ayat-ayat Hijrah 

Telah diturunkan beberapa ayat terkait hijrah ke Madinah dan peristiwanya, diantaranya:

  • "Dan (ingatlah), ketika orang-orang kafir (Quraisy) memikirkan daya upaya terhadapmu untuk menangkap dan memenjarakanmu atau membunuhmu, atau mengusirmu. Mereka memikirkan tipu daya dan Allah menggagalkan tipu daya itu. Dan Allah sebaik-baik Pembalas tipu daya". (QS. Al-Anfal: 30) 
  • "Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang mengorbankan dirinya karena mencari keridhaan Allah; dan Allah Maha Penyantun kepada hamba-hamba-Nya". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 207)
  • "Dan Kami adakan di hadapan mereka dinding dan di belakang mereka dinding (pula), dan Kami tutup (mata) mereka sehingga mereka tidak dapat melihat". (QS. Yasin: 9) 
  • "Jikalau kamu tidak menolongnya (Muhammad) maka sesungguhnya Allah telah menolongnya (yaitu) ketika orang-orang kafir (musyrikin Mekah) mengeluarkannya (dari Mekah) sedang dia salah seorang dari dua orang ketika keduanya berada dalam gua, di waktu dia berkata kepada temannya: "Janganlah kamu berduka cita, sesungguhnya Allah beserta kita." Maka Allah menurunkan keterangan-Nya kepada (Muhammad) dan membantunya dengan tentara yang kamu tidak melihatnya, dan Al-Quran menjadikan orang-orang kafir itulah yang rendah. Dan kalimat Allah itulah yang tinggi. Allah Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana". (QS. At-Taubah: 40) 
  • "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang diwafatkan malaikat dalam keadaan menganiaya diri sendiri, (kepada mereka) malaikat bertanya : "Dalam keadaan bagaimana kamu ini?." Mereka menjawab: "Adalah kami orang-orang yang tertindas di negeri (Mekah)." Para malaikat berkata: "Bukankah bumi Allah itu luas, sehingga kamu dapat berhijrah di bumi itu?." Orang-orang itu tempatnya neraka Jahannam, dan Jahannam itu seburuk-buruk tempat kembali". (QS. An-Nisa: 97)

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Tanda - Tanda Orang Berjaya

5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Success | EHS Today

Tanda Tanda Orang Yang Berjaya

  • Anda fleksibel untuk berubah 
    • Ada masanya keadaan berubah yang memerlukan anda sendiri turut berubah. Perubahan tidak memberi impak negatif kepada anda.
  • Anda tidak suka merungut dan mengeluh 
    • Selalu sangat merungut dan mengeluh memberi perasaan negatif kepada diri dan juga orang keliling
  •  Anda sering produktif 
    • Mengurus masa dengan baik selalu dan tidak melakukan perkara membuang masa yang tidak mencapaikan matlamat anda
  •  Anda boleh tingkatkan motivasi sendiri 
    • Selalu ambil tindakan tanpa perlu disuruh dan tanpa melengahkan masa
  •  Anda suka buat lebih dari apa yang diperlukan 
    • Anda tahu melakukan lebih dari apa yang perlu memberi kepuasan kepada diri dan juga meningkakan kredibiliti anda pada pandangan orang lain
  •  Anda bersedia membantu orang lain 
    • Lebih banyak anda membantu orang lain, lebih ramai yang akan membantu anda satu masa nanti. 
    • Bak kata, the more you give, the more u get.
  •  Anda seorang yang pemaaf 
    • Tidak ada gunanya menyimpan dendam dan sakit hati. 
    • Maafkan orang lain dan jadikan diri lebih kuat.
  •  Anda menghadapi cabaran dan belajar dari nya
    •  Anda suka melihat cabaran sebagai peluang, dan pelajari serta perbaiki melaluinya
  •  Anda suka melihat kejayaan orang lain 
    • Kejayaan orang lain memberi semangat dan inspirasi kepada anda dan bukan kebencian dan iri hati
  •  Anda suka mendampingi orang yang berjaya 
    • Kerana dapat “aura” kejayaan serta sering berasa positif dikalangan mereka yang positif!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

[Film] Harry Pottter & The Deathly Hallows (Part 2 ) (2011)

Film review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ...

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (Part 2) 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Plugged In

After burying Dobby, Harry Potter asks the goblin Griphook to help Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and him break into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts bank, suspecting a Horcrux may be there. Griphook agrees in exchange for the Sword of Gryffindor. Wandmaker Ollivander tells Harry that two wands taken from Malfoy Manor belonged to Bellatrix and Draco Malfoy, though Malfoy's has changed its allegiance to Harry.

harry potter ~ Nagini the horcruxes Marvolo Gaunt's Ring Salazar ...

In the vault, Harry discovers the Horcrux is Helga Hufflepuff's cup. He retrieves it, but Griphook snatches the sword and abandons the trio, leaving them cornered by security. The three release the dragon guardian and flee on its back. Harry sees a vision of Lord Voldemort killing goblins including Griphook, and learns Voldemort is aware of the theft. Harry also realises there is a Horcrux at Hogwarts somehow connected to Rowena Ravenclaw. The trio apparate into Hogsmeade, where Aberforth Dumbledore reluctantly instructs the portrait of his deceased younger sister Ariana to fetch Neville Longbottom, who leads the trio through a secret passageway into Hogwarts.

Severus Snape hears of Harry's return and warns staff and students of punishment for aiding Harry. Harry confronts Snape, who flees after Minerva McGonagall challenges him to a duel. Voldemort then arrives with the Death Eaters, demanding Harry is given over to him; McGonagall gathers the Hogwarts community for battle. At Luna Lovegood's insistence, Harry speaks to Helena Ravenclaw's ghost, who reveals that Voldemort performed "dark magic" on her mother's diadem, located in the Room of Requirement. In the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione destroys the Horcrux cup with a Basilisk fang. In the Room of Requirement, Draco, Blaise Zabini and Gregory Goyle attack Harry, but Ron and Hermione intervene. Goyle casts a Fiendfyre curse; unable to control it, he is burned to death while Harry and his friends save Malfoy and Zabini. Harry stabs the diadem with the Basilisk fang, and Ron kicks it into the Room of Requirement to be destroyed. As Voldemort's army attacks, Harry, seeing into Voldemort's mind, realises that Voldemort's snake Nagini is the final Horcrux. After entering the boathouse, the trio witness Voldemort telling Snape that the Elder Wand cannot serve Voldemort until Snape dies; he then orders Nagini to kill Snape. Before dying, Snape tells Harry to take his memories to the Pensieve. Meanwhile, Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks are killed in the chaos at Hogwarts.

Harry learns from Snape's memories that while Snape despised Harry's late father James, who bullied him, he loved his late mother Lily. Following her death, Snape worked with Albus Dumbledore to protect Harry from Voldemort due to his love for Lily. Harry also learns that Dumbledore was dying and wished for Snape to kill him, and that the Patronus doe he saw in the woods that led him to the sword was conjured by Snape. Harry discovers that he himself became a Horcrux when Voldemort originally failed to kill him; he must die to destroy the piece of Voldemort's soul within himself. Harry surrenders himself to Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. Voldemort casts the Killing Curse upon Harry, who finds himself in limbo. Dumbledore's spirit meets him and explains that the part of Voldemort within Harry was killed by Voldemort's curse. Harry returns to his body, determined to defeat Voldemort.

Blu-Ray Review | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II ...

Voldemort announces Harry's apparent death to everyone at Hogwarts and demands their surrender. As Neville gives a defiant response and draws the sword from the Sorting Hat, Harry reveals he is still alive; the Malfoys and many Death Eaters abandon Voldemort. While Harry confronts Voldemort in a duel throughout the castle, Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix in the Great Hall and Neville decapitates Nagini, making Voldemort mortal. Harry and Voldemort's fight ends with Voldemort's own Killing Curse rebounding and obliterating him. After the battle, Harry explains to Ron and Hermione that the Elder Wand recognised him as its true master after he disarmed Draco, who had earlier disarmed its previous owner, Dumbledore. Harry destroys the Elder Wand rather than claim it.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2' brings the series ...

Nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny Weasley, Ron and Hermione, and Draco proudly watch their children leave for Hogwarts at King's Cross station.

[Film] Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallow Part 1 ( 2010)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 - A lot of chasing ...

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallow (Part 1) 

The Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour addresses the wizarding media, stating that the Ministry remains strong despite Lord Voldemort gaining power and the Death Eaters committing mass killings of Muggles and infiltrating the Ministry. Meanwhile, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger resolve to complete the mission Albus Dumbledore gave Harry by hunting down and destroying Voldemort's Horcruxes. Severus Snape informs Voldemort of Harry's impending departure from Privet Drive. Voldemort commandeers Lucius Malfoy's wand, due to his own wand sharing the same core as Harry's and therefore being unable to kill him.

Breaking Into The Ministry | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ...

The Order of the Phoenix escort Harry to safety using Polyjuice Potion. During their flight, they are ambushed by Death Eaters who kill Mad-Eye Moody and Hedwig, injure George Weasley, and incapacitate Rubeus Hagrid. Arriving at The Burrow, Harry has a vision of the wand-maker Ollivander being tortured by Voldemort. The next day, Scrimgeour arrives with Dumbledore's will. Ron receives Dumbledore's Deluminator, Hermione receives a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry receives the first Golden Snitch that he caught in a Quidditch match. Scrimgeour reveals that Harry was also bequeathed the Sword of Gryffindor, which has gone missing.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) - Whats After ...

The Death Eaters kill Scrimgeour and replace him with Pius Thicknesse. The Ministry begins arresting and persecuting Muggle-born witches and wizards. Death Eaters also attack during Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding. Kingsley Shacklebolt's patronus charm forewarns the wedding party, and most escape. Harry, Hermione, and Ron disapparate to London, but are attacked in a diner by Death Eaters. The trio seek refuge at Number 12, Grimmauld Place. They discover that the "R.A.B." from the fake Horcrux locket is Regulus Arcturus Black, younger brother of Sirius Black. Kreacher, the Blacks' house elf, tells them that Mundungus Fletcher broke in and stole many items from the house, including the real locket. Kreacher and Dobby apprehend Fletcher, who reveals that the locket is in the possession of Dolores Umbridge. Using Polyjuice Potion, the trio infiltrate the Ministry and find the locket around Umbridge's neck. Harry stuns Umbridge and Hermione retrieves the locket. The trio escape their pursuers by apparating in the wilderness, but Ron is injured and cannot apparate again until he recovers.

After unsuccessful attempts to destroy the Horcrux, the trio take turns wearing it to dilute its power. Harry sees a vision of Voldemort interrogating and killing the wand-maker Gregorovitch, who claims a teenage boy stole the legendary Elder Wand from his shop. While Ron is wearing the locket, he is overcome by negative feelings and falls out with Harry before abandoning him and Hermione. Hermione deduces that the Sword of Gryffindor can destroy Horcruxes and decides to go with Harry to Godric's Hollow. They visit Harry's parents' graves and the house where they were killed. They encounter Bathilda Bagshot, who they believe may have the sword. Bathilda lets them into her house before revealing herself as Nagini, possessing Bathilda's reanimated corpse. Hermione and Harry escape into the Forest of Dean, but Hermione accidentally breaks Harry's wand whilst fighting Nagini. She identifies the mysterious thief in Harry's vision as Gellert Grindelwald.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Locations - Movies ...

Harry sees a Patronus in the form of a doe, which leads him to a frozen pond. Gryffindor's sword lies beneath the pond's ice, which Harry breaks and jumps into. The locket around his neck strangles Harry, but Ron arrives and rescues him. Harry uses parseltongue to open the Horcrux locket, which Ron eventually decides to destroy. Hermione and Ron reconcile, and the trio decide to visit Xenophilius Lovegood to learn more about a symbol in the book Dumbledore left Hermione. Lovegood explains to them that the symbol represents the Deathly Hallows, three magical objects that can make a wizard master of Death. Hermione reads the story of the Hallows, after which the trio awkwardly attempt to leave but are stopped by Lovegood. He reveals that Luna Lovegood has been kidnapped and then summons the Death Eaters, intending to hand over Harry in exchange for her. Harry, Ron, and Hermione disapparate as Lovegood's house is destroyed.

Back in the wilderness, the trio set up camp when Snatchers find them. Hermione uses a curse to disguise Harry as the Snatchers take them to Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix Lestrange imprisons Harry and Ron in the cellar with Luna, Ollivander, and Griphook the goblin. Bellatrix tortures Hermione for information on the Sword, which Bellatrix claims was in her vault at Gringott's. Harry requests help, communicating with a broken mirror in his possession. Dobby apparates into the cellar to save them. Harry and Ron rush to save Hermione, and a battle ensues that sees Harry disarm Draco Malfoy. Dobby drops a chandelier onto Bellatrix, forcing her to release Hermione. Bellatrix throws her knife at them as Dobby grabs everyone and disapparates. Although Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrive at Shell Cottage safely, they find that Bellatrix's knife has fatally wounded Dobby, and he dies in Harry's arms. Harry insists that they bury Dobby without any magic. Meanwhile, Voldemort breaks into Dumbledore's tomb and steals the Elder Wand, revealed to have been in Dumbledore's possession.

[Kdrama] Secret Garden (2010)

Secret Garden (SBS-2010-Korean Drama) - AsianWiki

Secret Garden

A rationalizing Cinderella story between Gil Ra-im (Ha Ji-won), a stuntwoman, and Kim Joo-won (Hyun Bin), a high-end department store CEO. Through a misunderstanding while trying to resolve a scandal of his cousin, Oska (Yoon Sang-hyun), a famous singer, Ra-im and Joo-won meet and he finds himself stunned by her coolness. Joo-won does not understand why Ra-im is constantly on his mind, and decides to pursue her. Though she initially is repelled by him, Ra-im gradually starts reciprocating his feelings. 

 As two different worlds collide, Ra-im and Joo-won gradually learn about each other's worlds. But Joo-won's mother does not want them to love each other. Despite his mother's objections, they get married. Meanwhile, Oska reunites with his first love, Yoon Seul (Kim Sa-rang), who has made a successful directing career for herself. However, Yoon Seul wants nothing to do with Oska, and instead has her eyes set on Joo-won. The story gets even more complicated and dramatic when Ra-im and Joo-won magically start switching bodies.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Characteristic of Modern Minimalist Home Design

Modern Minimalist House with Secluded Courtyard by Amrita ...

5 Characteristic of Modern Minimalist Home Design 

Minimalism has become quite popular over the years as a design philosophy and way of life. Minimalist architecture is about achieving better design through simplicity – a simplicity of form, space, materiality, detail, and color. 

Minimalist design also shows restraint and a careful paring down and editing of spaces to get to a place of clarity. 

Who doesn’t like clean, open spaces that allow the architecture, the furniture, and the materials in the room to breathe? It’s the simple, honest detailing and simple materials that make minimalism so appealing and why we enjoy creating minimalist spaces – because we appreciate the calmness, the warmth, and the beauty that these kinds of spaces exude.

Two Modern Minimalist Apartments With Subtle Luxurious Details

Characteristics of modern minimalist house design include: 

  • Simplicity in form and function 
    • Many minimalist houses have a simple, straightforward, efficient plan layout with stacked volumes of spaces. This creates clarity in the plan, where spaces are predictable and uncomplicated. 
    • Simple forms, open floor plans, minimal interior walls, modest storage areas, and an emphasis on views and daylight are defining characteristics of many minimalist floor plans. 
    • Uncomplicated punched openings for doors and windows punctuate the facades. Overall, there is a simple house design that avoids a lot of ins and outs, complex curves, or angles. 
    • Simple roof profiles are also characteristic of minimalist homes.
  • Uncomplicated cladding & wall finishes 
    • Using a simple continuous exterior cladding material can easily provide visual appeal and articulation by expressing the physical characteristics of the materials and their texture. .
  • Clean, open, light-filled spaces 
  • Simple detailing devoid of decoration 
  • Strategic use of materials for visual interest, texture, and personality
    • the material palette is limited to mostly concrete and glass. Yet, the board-formed concrete provides texture and interest to the minimalist interior design.
    •  the texture and grain of the tile pattern adds visual interest to the simple neutral palette of the modern bathroom. 
    • Eye-catching materials such as the brick wall on the right below can stand on their own without the need for shelving and knick-knacks to clutter them up.

Minimalist Design Tips

25 Examples of Minimalism in Interior Design - Freshome

Minimalist Design Tips

Clean lines, reductive, uncluttered, monochromatic, simplicity, "less is more"—these are some of the terms and concepts that immediately come to mind when thinking about minimalism. It's impossible to deny the serenity and simple beauty when confronted with a resolved minimalist interior, but achieving this look is more deliberate and frankly, difficult, than just choosing a few pieces of furniture for a white backdrop, which can leave a space feeling cold, sparse and unlived-in. 

what is minimalism ?
“Minimalism is about keeping a space simple, uncluttered and accentuating the attractive architectural features of a space. The palette is mostly monochromatic and color is used as an accent,”
"minimalism and functionality go hand in hand. A minimalist-designed space incorporates an open floor plan, lots of light, and simple line furnishings that are well-built and comfortable. All these create a soothing and inviting space that has a timeless aesthetic."
Top Home Interior Design Minimalist Ideas – savillefurniture

Form, focus & functionality 

  • Minimalism allows something other than the space to be the focus. For example, the people in the space or the view from the window might be more important than the room’s decoration,
  • Everything should be functional and add value to the space. You still need all of the items in a space for it to function, but in minimalist decor, 'form' is very important. For example, in a dining room, you need a table and chairs. These pieces need to speak to one another and relate in regards to things like line, color, mass, etc. They must work well together in their basic shape.
  • All of the furniture was purposeful—chairs to comfortably sit in, tables for drinks, hidden window treatments to allow views from this high-story residence, a fireplace to warm. 
  • Even the art is simple in composition.  home to be restful, not stimulating to the eye 
  • Proponents of minimalism believe that condensing the content and form of a design to its bare essentials reveals the true 'essence of architecture.
  • New full-height upper cabinets, floor-to-ceiling pantry closets, and the utilization of all under-the-counter island spaces increased the storage capacity of this kitchen by twenty percent. Simplicity in design and uniqueness in resolution are key to this alteration.

Minimalism is an approach to design where the elements of the structure are simplified to their essential components. Nothing is added for effect. 

  • The design thrives on the beauty of the forms and the materials used to create the forms
  • The design needs to be clear and simple, but not boring. This is where the use of light, form and beautiful materials is so essential. The craft of the construction is incredibly important since you cannot add trim to cover mis-alignments.
  • prioritized storage, a key tool for maintaining a minimalist living space while meeting realistic functionality concerns for the typical homeowner or family. 
  • added an open box shelf to visually unite the column and wall and provide storage for her clients. careful to align all of the openings, the glass to ledge, and edge of cabinets to calls,
  • In a minimalist space, walls and floors must be level to create connections between elements with minimal joint lines, and installation of cabinetry must be nearly perfect.

3 Modern Minimalist Homes with Chinese Design Elements

Benefits of a minimalist space for homeowners 

  • The idea of uncluttered and clean space is truly a driver behind the minimalist movement, and the desire to seek and adapt its principal ideas in interior design. "If we really stop to think about it we do not need so many things; we can live in any space with a lot less," How many sofas do we really need? How many chairs? Do we need to hang pictures at all on walls? Maybe only on one wall? Or on none? How many knick-knacks do we really need on our coffee table or shelves? In reality, we need functionality and practicality that blends with no superfluous embellishments. Shapes should be quite uncomplicated, and colors and textures should harmoniously blend."
  • the firsthand benefits she has seen from employing a minimalist design aesthetic in her projects. "I think clients are inspired by their space to focus on the essentials and items of personal value," 
  • "It has a calming effect to live in a well-designed and uncluttered space. make sure to provide ample closed storage so that the architecture and interiors can be uncluttered. It creates a calm haven for living."

Linc Thelen Gives an Indiana Farmhouse a Modern-Minimalist ...

challenge of minimalist design

  • "The biggest challenge is to make a space look warm and welcoming," 
  • "When using a monochromatic color palette, atmosphere is created by combining different shades, tints and textures to create a dynamic atmosphere." 
  • "The different textures compliment each other and create a soothing atmosphere. The sheer drapery filters the light through the large windows and a pop of color comes from the tufted light blue armchair."
  • biggest challenge is knowing when to stop designing or adding to the space. "If the space functions well, is simple in its composition without being overly stimulating, you know that you are finished,"  "Just like artists must stop at some point and not add colors or brush strokes, a designer too must know when to stop," "With me, it's intuition. I feel it when the space is 'just so,' when it is right, balanced, and congruent."

Modern Minimalist

Minimalist Kitchens to Inspire You

Modern Minimalist


  • Modern is the precursor to both minimalist and contemporary design, and generally refers to pieces that are derived from the innovations of mid-century modern designers. 
  • In the middle of the 20th century, there were core influencers—Florence Knoll, Le Corbusier, and Charles and Ray Eames, to name a few—that shaped what “modern” design is today. 
  • Pieces like the famous “Eames Chair” and “Barcelona Chair” are examples of modern design. They’re pieces that are still popular today and can run a true design aficionado as much as $5,000 or more per piece.


  • It’s simply a movement that focuses on cutting out as much “extra” as possible, reducing everything to a design that focuses on function. 
  • It also focuses on space and how open space can be enhanced by the placement of only the essential functional elements. 
  •  In this context, pretty much anything can be “minimalist” if the design prioritizes efficiency. 
  • You can have a home that is styled very “modern” with a “minimalist” overtone by only using the essential pieces for the function of that space and nothing more.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Pakej Nikah Bajet, Pandora Spring Villa KL

Image result for project kahwin

pakej nikah budget (100 pax) 
pandora spring villa, kg pandan , kl 


  • Elegant wedding stage (Pelamin) 
  • Shaggy wedding carpet 
  • Chairs, tables with tablecloth & flower bouquet 
  • Beautiful floral arrangements surrounding villa 
  • Beautiful scenery for photo shoot sessions 
  • Modern canopy design with lighting and fans 
  • Freedom to arrange desired food & beverage 
  • Sound System 
  • Bridal dining room with Great Gatsby theme 
  • Italian interior design makeup and bridal room 
  • Billiard table for family & guest recreational use 
  • Indoor swimming pool 
  • Private courtyard 
  • Walking distance (15 meters) from mosque with available marriage official 
  • Remains cosy, exclusive & affordable while being in the heart of the city 
  • Ample parking space available Event security guards

source : AirBNB 

Henna Night

Black Silhouette Wedding Cake Topper


henna night,... would i do??
sejujurnya.. i dont have any plan for this anyway.. 
but.. ade juga keinginan buat henna night with my dear friends.. 

u know.. have my girls with me..
conteng conteng tangan... 
sambil gosiip..
sambil citer citer..
would be more exciting..

but i dont think im gonna do till big event..
i guess..
but i would never know if i have much time and budget for it..
then i can go with it.. 

tapi... rasanya xde la buat mcm theme henna night mcm retis tu..
mcm arabian night ke.. ape ke..
biasa biasa jeeee.. i guesss. 


Black Silhouette Wedding Cake Topper


hallu gaissss..
waszup waszuupp...
alright.. kali nie.. cik purple nak citer pasal henna. 
perlu keeee henna nie?

10 Best Henna And Mehndi Artists In Singapore

henna nie just satu kehendak je..
xde pon x pe..
cuma... kalau ade.. cantik sikit tangan tu ade corak corak.

biasa henna nie warna oren.. merah...
yang terbaru warna putih..
so.. bila pakai henna/inai nie..
biasa orang kaitkan dengan " dah kawin ehh "
gittuuu laaa.. 

basically henna untuk pengantin bermula RM 100 macam tu.. 
so... redho je la ehh kalau nak pakai henna..
however.. kalau pandai cari.. pandai plan..
boleh dapat yang lagi murah... 

cik purple suka pakai henna??
opkosss sukaaaa...
suka suka suka..

Sunday, May 24, 2020

[Foodie] Restoran Mat Binjai , Terengganu

Restoran Mat Binjai, Kuala Terengganu

Restoran Mat Binjai 

Apa yang istimewa tentang Restoran Mat Binjai ini ialah ia menyediakan masakan berhidang yang disajikan ala makanan minang ataupun nasi padang. Masuk saja ke dalam restoran ini, pelayan akan menyajikan hidangan semua lauk-pauk yang ada di situ. Bayaran hanya dikenakan untuk makanan yang dimakan sahaja. Benar-benar seperti konsep nasi padang. Cuma perbezaannya adalah di restoran ini hidangannya adalah masakan tradisi Terengganu.

Di sini juga terdapat beberapa hidangan yang jarang untuk kita temui seperti telur penyu. Lauk-lauk lain juga tidak kurang hebatnya. Jangan lupa pesan ulam-ulaman bersama, enak dicicah bersama budu!

Alamat: 71, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 20000 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu 
 Waktu Operasi: Setiap hari, 8 am- 6 pm

Pulau Redang

Pulau Redang Kuala Terengganu

Pulau Redang

Bukan calang-calang ya Kuala Terengganu ni, agak banyak pulau menarik yang terdapat di sekitarnya, salah satunya adalah pulau yang cukup terkenal di negeri ini iaitu Pulau Redang. 

 Berjarak 45 km dari kawasan daratan Kuala Terengganu, perjalanan untuk menuju ke sini sekiranya bertolak dari KT adalah dalam sekitar 1 jam, manakala dari Merang pula hanyalah 50 minit.

 Kalau anda nak tahu, di sekitar perairan pulau ini terdapat 2 lokasi kapal karam iaitu H.M.S Prince of Wales dan kapal H.M. Repulse yang karam ketika perang dunia ke-2. 

Kalau anda pandai menyelam skuba, memang syok habis dapat explore apa yang ada di sini. Bagi yang tak tahu menyelam lagi, join kelas skuba sebelum ke sini ya?

Pulau Redang, 21090 Kuala Terengganu

Hotel Raffles, Singapore

Raffles Hotel

Hotel Raffles, Singapore

Tempat menarik di Singapore ini adalah sangat ‘rare’ dan bercirikan klasik. Bangunan kolonial ini merupakan salah satu daripada tinggalan terakhir dunia akan bangunan hotel dari abad ke-19, dan ianya pernah dilawati oleh tokoh-tokoh sastera seperti Rudyard Kipling dan Joseph Conrad, juga bintang film bisu terkenal, Charlie Chaplin. 

 Dibina pada tahun 1887, Hotel Raffles ini telah berkhidmat sebagai mercu tanda bagi Singapura untuk lebih satu abad lamanya dan terus beroperasi sepadan dengan reputasi yang dimiliki, bersama-sama hidangan makanan yang lazat dan perkhidamatan yang begitu cemerlang.

Seni bina klasik dan juga taman-taman tropika menyediakan suasana yang begitu nyaman, dan mewakili satu lagi aspek sejarah yang pelbagai dan kaya bagi Singapura. Hotel Raffles ini terletak di Daerah Kolonial Singapura, yang mana menempatkan juga tempat-tempat bersejarah yang lain.

Cerita ini mengatakan bahawa apa yang ditemuinya adalah kawasan perkampungan nelayan yang kecil namun apa yang dilihatnya adalah kawasan pelabuhan yang berpotensi, jadi dia membeli tanah tersebut daripada Sultan Johor dan menjemput para pedagang Cina dan India untuk bergerak ke sana. Dan, dari situlah benih-benih etnik pelbagai Singapura disemai

1 Beach Rd, Singapore 189673

[Foodie] Restoran Zam Zam , Singapore

Murtabak Singapore - Restaurant - Johor Bahru | TravelMalaysia

Restoran Zam Zam, Singapore

Selain menawarkan destinasi-destinasi keriangan, Singapura juga cukup terkenal dengan aneka juadah yang tersendiri. Antara kudapan ringkas yang menjadi pilihan ramai ketika berkunjung ke Kota Singa adalah murtabak Zam Zam.

Saiz murtabak yang besar, tebal dan padat dengan isi, ditambah pula dengan keju Mozarella yang meleleh membuatkan peminat makanan itu menjadi tidak keruan! Lebih menarik, anda boleh memilih untuk mencuba murtabak daging rusa, murtabak daging kambing atau ayam.

Selain murtabak, restoran India Muslim yang tertua di Singapura ini juga turut menyajikan aneka beriani yang sememangnya umphhh!

Lokasi: 699 North Bridge Road
Waktu Operasi: Dibuka setiap hari (7 pagi - 11 malam)