Saturday, May 23, 2020

[DIY] Orange Rose Bath Bombs

Intergalactic | Bath Bombs | Lush Cosmetics
DO-It Yourself
Homemade Orange Rose Bath Bombs

What You’ll Need: 

  •  Sodium Bicarbonate 
  • Citric Acid 
  • Epsom Salt 
  • Pink Scrubbing Salt 
  • Jojoba Oil 
  • Calendula Oil 
  • Rose Water 
  • Sweet Orange Essential Oil 
  • Clear Round Plastic Bubble Mold – 6cm each 
  • Big Mixing Bowl 
  • Beaker 
  • Gloves (wear them when mixing the ingredients!) 
  • Digital Scale 
  • Spray Bottle (for spritzing rose water in case the bath bomb mixture isn’t wet enough)


  1.  In a big mixing bowl, add 230g of Sodium Bicarbonate, 115g of Citric Acid, 60g of Epsom Salt and 55g of Pink Scrubbing Salt.
  2. Wear gloves and mix the dry ingredients with your hands. Make sure that there are no clumps. 
  3. In a beaker, add 10g of Jojoba Oil, 8g of Calendula Oil, 15g of Rose Water and 20 drops of Sweet Orange Essential Oil.

    *Note: Don’t worry about the oil-water separation in the beaker. It will come together with the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl.
  4. Gradually add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly each time the wet ingredients are added.
  5. Check the texture of your bath bomb mixture. Squeeze a handful and if it doesn’t hold its shape, spritz with Rose Water and mix with each spray. The texture should be similar to wet sand. 
  6. Fill two halves of the clear round plastic bubble mold and gently close it. 
  7. Leave aside for a day so that it can harden completely before removing from mold.

    a) It’s best to keep bath bombs in an air-tight container so that the oils won’t go rancid fast and the fizziness doesn’t decrease.
    b) These bath bombs are made of natural ingredients and has no additional foaming agents, so it wont bubble as much as other bath bombs that have foaming agents

happy crafting

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